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On the 25th of May several years ago in a tiny hospital in McCall Idaho those familiar words, “It’s a boy!” were announced.  What nobody knew at the time was that the doctor had no clue what he was talking about…

Of course I didn’t know it at the time, after all I was but a newborn baby and if I had any thoughts I can honestly say I don’t remember them.  In fact if you asked me to recall many of my childhood memories I would be hard pressed to do so.  However the ones I do recall have a very prominent reoccurring theme.  It was the dress up days in my mothers closet.  When I asked my mom about it recently she said she had to drag me out of her closet on many occasions which I realize might explain a whole lot about the events of my childhood.

So at this point you are probably asking yourself why in the world should I care about any of this or what is the point of all this?  Yes as you probably guessed by now I am a transgender woman who is currently almost a year and a half into her transition.  Yes I am on HRT (hormone therapy for those of you that don’t know what that means) and have been since December 4th, 2013.   Coincidentally that is also the day I now choose to celebrate my birth.  I know some of you are probably wondering why I would do that?  After all you can’t pick the day your born so what gives me the right to change my birthday?

Well the simple answer is I’m not changing it at all, just the day I celebrate it.  And if you decide to follow this blog on regular basis you will get to know more about who I truly am and the long and sometimes agonizing journey I have been taking to get to be the proud and deliriously happy woman I am today!:)  I love my life and honestly wouldn’t have it any other way…  I consider my life a blessing because through all the hardships I have faced I have found a way to find an inner peace I once thought never possible.

The reason I decided to start writing this blog is for two reasons.  I’ve been dying to share my story and how I got here so I can hopefully encourage others out there that are afraid to show the world their true selves.  And also so all these truly amazing people in my life that I consider my family can read my story and see what it was that shaped the woman they have come to know and love.  So I’m gonna wrap this up because it’s now 1:36am and my eye lids have gotten a little on the heavy side.  But before I go I want to let you know why I feel my story is unique and why it’s important to share with the world…  I have basically been disowned by a father that can’t wrap his mind about what I truly am and one of the main reasons is I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and it ROBBED me of a normal life… TO BE CONTINUED

Side Note: If this post seemed like a big mess I ask you to bear with me as this is my first blogging experience and I will get better once I get back my writing style… It’s been 5 years since I graduated from college so this may take awhile. Thanks for reading and I truly hope you hang with me and support this new endeavor.